IVR and Voicemail

Swiftly navigates your callers to the right extension

The customized IVR efficiently guides your callers to the right people in your organization or their respective voicemail boxes. When your prospects and customers call, they will be satisfied that the e-receptionist has put them through to the accurate contact. They will be relieved that their requirements will be fulfilled sooner than later.

Some of the callers may need minimal assistance from a virtual receptionist. Such calls can be conveniently routed to the correct extension via IVR. In case the right person is unavailable at the time of the call, the message can be transferred to the corresponding voicemail box. It will save time and effort for you and your clients.

The call flow of the GAS cloud IVR service is designed to your specifications so that the callers smoothly reach the exact extensions or the voice mailbox.

Messages reaching the voicemail box can be forwarded to your emails and phones, which gives you uninterrupted accessibility and visibility to information.

IVR and Voicemail
Every Call Is Important

We can manage them well
- Anytime, Every time!